
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Rubbing up against "the best"

I've been sitting in a meeting at a rather prestigious resort
facility watching a group talk about watches. I have a pretty nice
Fossil watch that I've had for quite some time and I paid about $90
for the watch in 2001. However, the watch that they're talking about
here (and I know you're probably thinking Rolex, but its not) is a
very nice watch and I've heard prices thrown around from $3,000 to
over $30,000 for a watch. I've heard "prosperity preachers" talk
about how God wants His children to enjoy the best and I'm trying to
figure out, why would God want me to have a $30,000 watch. I must
admit, this is one of the best watches that I've ever seen. I'm
looking at how its made and how it is constructed, and I can attest
that they are using some the finest materials, movements, technology,
etc. to make this watch.

So to answer my own question, I have to go back to a fundamental
truth that God is rich and he can afford it. Then I have to realize
that most fathers do want the best for their children. So why would
God want me to posses and wear a watch like that? Well, there are
many reasons, but the one that sticks out at me was a reaction that I
had to a woman that was wearing one of the watches. The watch stood
out on her arm, and I know that I have never seen a watch that looked
like it. Something inside me wanted to ask her more about the watch,
about her, about what she did for a living, etc.

The $90 watch that I currently wear has never had someone stop to
make a connection with me - the kind of connection that would allow
me the opportunity to tell them about my Father, who empowered me to
be able to purchase and wear this watch. Now I'm not hating on the
watch that I have, but I recognized that the watch isn't about me as
much as it is about the stuff and circumstances around the watch. I
thank God that he wants to use his children and the stuff that the
children have to make connections with others to tell them more about
how this came to be.

Go figure...

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